Wednesday 18 May 2016

3 Key Attributes of Successful Companies

All successful companies has 3 key attributes:

  1. Successful companies have skilled people at all levels inside the company, including leaders, managers, and capable workforce.
  2. Successful companies have strong relationship with groups outside the company. For example, successful companies develop win-win relationships with suppliers and excel in customer relationship management.
  3. Success companies have enough funding to execute their plans and support their operations. Most companies need to cash to purchase land, buildings, equipment, and materials. Companies can reinvest a portion of their earnings, but most growing companies must also raise additional funds externally by some combination of selling stock and/or borrowing in the financial markets.

    Just as a stool needs all three legs to stand, a successful company must have all three attributes:

    * Skilled People
    * Strong External Relationship
    * Sufficient Capital

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